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Learn 8 of the best gameplay tips to pass, catch, run and kick the ball more effectively in Madden NFL 24. In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively perform the following:

Tip #1: Changing Your Passing Type

  1. Classic
  2. Placement
  3. Placement and Accuracy

Tip #2: Mini-Games & Skills Trainer

  1. Refreshing Your Skills
  2. Gaining Additional Madden Ultimate Team Packs
  3. Games to Play
  4. Practice Your Weaknesses
  5. Advanced Techniques

Tip #3: Get Familiar With Playbooks

  1. Practice Mode
  2. Best Playbooks to Use
  3. Formations to Use
  4. When to Use Play Action 

Tip #4: Halfback Tosses Are Back

  1. How to Find Toss Plays in Playbook
  2. Recommendations on How to Use
  3. How to Effectively Use Sprint

Tip #5: Adaptive AI 

  1. What is Adaptive AI?
  2. How to Counter Adaptive AI

Tip #6: RAC Catch is Important 

  1. How RAC Catch has improved in M24
  2. Best Ways to Utilize RAC Catch

Tip #7: Familiarize Yourself with Your Team’s Abilities

  1. How Abilities Work in M24?
  2. Overview of Key Offensive Abilities to Use in M24
  3. Overview of Key Defensive Abilities to Use in M24

Tip #8: QB Rollout Using the Playmaker Stick

  1. How to Use the Playmaker Stick
  2. Advanced Techniques to Use 

Video transcript:

This video is sponsored by EA and these are eight of the best tips I've come across in my time on Madden 24.

Change the passing types settings

Let's jump into it now. I get it that when you have the game, you want to hop on the field first, but the first thing you need to do is go to the start menu and change the setting from the start menu. You want to find options, you want to go to settings. From there, you want to then go to game options, which is at the top, and then you want to go down to passing mechanics and look at passing type. There are three passing types you can basically have in the game. You have classic, you're going to have placement and you're going to have placement and accuracy. I recommend you try all of these out to see what ultimately works best for you.

I'm going to tell you which one is the best. Classic is the most basic style of passing you can have. In Madden, it's pretty much you press the button and it's going to the receiver, which sounds good, but it takes away a lot of the skill that you can really have and in my opinion, it's a great place to start. If you haven't jumped into the game for a while, classic could be solid for you. Placement is solid. It really just makes the accuracy something that you have to really worry and focus about, but I think the placement and accuracy is the best. Placement and accuracy gives you full control of passing and Madden 24. It allows you to really throw it to a back shoulder over the top to lead your receiver in the direction that you basically want them to do. If you really want to have full control over where you're throwing the ball and not be complaining about a digital avatar, throwing it where you didn't want them to throw it, use placement and accuracy.

It is the best by far. I'll have a separate video that breaks down this entire mechanic and how to really use passing, but for now you want to have passing slowdown off. You can turn it on. It's really just to help you get used to the mechanic and maybe for your first five or 10 throws, throw it on and just see how it works For me, I think freeform radical max distance should be near freeform radical speed. I like it at seven. I think anywhere between five to maybe eight is solid. Anything past that, it could be a little too fast or a little too slow depending on which side you're putting it on. Radical visibility should be visible meter visibility. Just put that on user only. These are the best, and to kind of give you an example, you can see there is a little meter that pops up there at the top.

We had a beautiful pass through. If you look at the B route for example, this is really going to allow me to push this ball up the field. If I threw it down and I just used the classic part, that's probably going to be picked off by the underneath defender.

Play Mini games and skills training

Now with your passing mechanics all figured out, let's talk about mini games and skill trainers. I'm telling you, they are the truth this year, every single year I think people overlook the skills trainer and it's one of the most important things you can do, especially if you haven't played Madden for a little bit. And if you happen to care about Madden ultimate team, well there's an opportunity for you to go ahead and complete these drills and unlock some packs for you to use in that mode. The skills trainer breaks down a lot of things, but what I love the most is how you can get your basic concepts.

You can get your run and your past concepts. I think it's most important, use it for defense. If you're someone who sees coverage, this is like cover one, cover two, cover two, man, cover three, cover four, cover six, and these don't make any sense to you. These are fantastic drills for you to try. And why I say that is because you can specifically go in and say, okay, I need to go against cover three. My opponents are running that constantly. I don't really know how to do anything against it, and it will help you figure out exactly the way to attack a cover three defense. They have advanced techniques in here as well. So if you happen to be playing superstar mode and you're playing the wide receiver side or you're playing superstar showdown against three B three against other people, they have mechanics in here for wide receiver DB mechanics.

They talk about skill-based passing in here as well. There were so many good gems in skills trainer, please check it out this year. My favorite thing they added to Matthew 24 this season are the many games and many games are absolutely incredible. You have rushing attack, which is a staple of mad and lore. If you ever played Madden back in the old days, rushing attack was a fan favorite, but on the surface these just seem like little silly things that maybe some people might consider a waste of time, but they are unbelievably fun and they actually make you better at the game. Target passing gets crazy. Target. Passing on the move might be one of the most difficult ones I think that I've tried so far in superstar mode. Give these a try as well. Passing scale in will help you out with figuring out different coverages to go up against.

Wide receiver DV battles have so many cool animations. And then when you go over here to the special team side, if you need to figure out how to punt better, if you want to work on your field goal accuracy, these are crazy difficult and crazy fun. And also I'll just say coffin corner is a surprise favorite. I never thought that I would enjoy playing a punting one as much as I have with here.

Experiment with Playbooks

Next up, let's talk about playbooks schemes and just getting familiar and finding a playbook that really fits you. Every year people use coach suggestions and they are great and they are fun and they serve a purpose. But if you really want to up your Madden game going in learning formations, learning schemes and finding ways to run different plays and look kind of the same but are vastly different will help your Madden game out so much.

I highly recommend that you jump into practice mode. You take a team that maybe you like playing with from the player perspective, but you change the playbooks around a little bit and figure out what maybe suits you the best. Maybe you're someone who wants a good amount of passing plays with some really cool run stuff. Houston has a fantastic playbook this year. Maybe you just love what Kansas City Chiefs and Andy Reid do. Kansas City has a great playbook. The commanders have a fantastic playbook. There are so many good playbooks this year. I really hope that people go out and take the time to experiment with them. Take Singleback for example. Here we're running wing tight at the moment. We can look at, there's a bunch of different run plays, so we can take a halfback stretch for example and run that against the defense and try to set 'em up a little bit on this play.

We have Miles Sanders, we go out to the right hand side, try to find some room. We don't really find too much, but it's enough to keep the defense on their toes. So looking at Singleback in the wing tight formation, we want to try to find plays that have similar pieces to them. So for example, we're going to look at the halfback stretch and we're going to run that first. Then we're going to run a play that looks similar to the defense but is entirely different. So again, running the wing tight formation out of single back, we're going to hand this ball off to Miles Sanders. He's going to get a massive gain in this halfback stretch. Halfback stretches this year are still great. I recommend using him. So now that we've run that play, imagine we're playing an opponent online and we're trying to figure out maybe you're playing your best friend, you want to try to figure out how to get them to do something to maybe jump that side thinking you're running the same play but you're not.

We're going to look at P A F L stretch, which kind of has a similar action to it. So a Bryson under center, we're going to go with a fake handoff here that might set the defense up a little bit. And now we've got using our placement in inaccuracy, an our tight end for a touchdown. As you get familiar with more playbooks, look to make sure you can have formations that you have multiple plays you can run out of a run a pass, a play action, different directions. You want to mix it up so you can keep the defense on their toes and make it a lot more difficult to beat you. And speaking of runs in great plays, let's talk about our fourth option here, which is the halfback toss. It is back baby. If you want to see if your playbook has any halfback toss available, all you need to do is go to the play type section using the LB and RRB or L one and R one.

If you're on PlayStation, you want to go down to run, you then want to go using LB or rrb L one or R one to go over to the pitch side if your playbook has one and look at a couple different ones. Crack toss, halfback, zone toss, strong toss. I like running at a singleback a little bit. The crack toss is a great one. Well, halfback toss is a great, something I always recommend people do is do not use the turbo button until you've passed the line of scrimmage or you have all of your blocks set up. The sooner you use Turbo, the easier it's going to be for the defenders to get off of the blocks that your offensive linemen have set or receivers or whoever has set. So here we have the halfback crack toss. We're going to throw it out here to the outside.

We're going to let our blockers set up and we are going to push down the field run tosses this year. They are a viable weapon for every offense. Now, something to pay attention to this year is how much you run a play, especially your run play because of adaptive ai. So here we're going to use Travis et t n. We're going to run up the middle a little bit. It's the first time we've really ran a play and it's not really successful One yard. Now, depending on what difficulty you play on the adaptive ai, in madden is going to kick in at different levels. If you're playing on rookie, it's going to take a whole lot longer for it to actually kick in. If you're playing on all Madden, expect it to kick in very quickly. But you might be asking, well, what exactly is adaptive ai?

It is essentially the ability for the defense to figure out what play you're running if you're running in too much and shut it down much more quickly. So now we've run this play a couple of times. We go back to it here and we're starting to see they're getting a little bit more smart to it. And over time, as you come out in the same formation running the same play, especially on the ground, it's going to be a whole lot more difficult to be successful with it. The best thing you can do this year is again, find playbooks that really suit your needs that you love a lot that have a great balance in run plays. Pass plays aren't subject to it the same way, but run plays are going to be easier to be sniffed out because the adaptive AI focuses solely on running this year.

Use the rack catch

A pet peeve we've probably all had at some point with Madden is that run after the catch doesn't really work the way we want it to. In years past when you throw a drag route or something across the middle or just expecting your guy to keep their momentum, they kind of had a weird slowdown and the defender would always catch him from behind using Joe Burrow in the Bengals, we're going to try to show an example very quickly of run after the catch and how these guys keep their momentum to push up the field. You can see it exactly right there, watching it back in real time. You can see that 83 immediately is going to keep that speed coming across and doesn't slow down, allowing him to push up the field and get the first down. And where you would typically see this is right before the catch animation in years pass right around this time, they would've slowed down, but as you can see, he leaves the linebacker in the dust, which is exactly what will be happening on a Sunday.

One of my favorite ways to run it is sort of this angle route that comes out of the backfield for the running backs. In years pass, they slowed down a lot. This year you're going to see Joe mixing keeps it moving and he's able to nearly get in the end zone because of it. Use the rack catch this season, it is unbelievably important.

Get Familiar with your team and players abilities

I highly recommend that you also familiarize yourself with your team and your players' abilities because it is a massive difference in your gameplay. Whether you're playing franchise mode, ultimate team play now, head to head online, whatever it essentially is, abilities will make or break it times some of the biggest plays in the game for you. If we take Patrick Mahomes here, the best quarterback in the N F L, we can see that he is bazooka, which gives him a better throwing distance than anyone else.

He is a hot route master. He gets four additional hot routes for his receiving targets. Dashing dead eye at perfect pass accuracy on the run up to 40 yards, red zone, dead eye, perfect pass accuracy while throwing in the red zone. No look dead eye. We've all seen Patrick Mahomes do it every Sunday or Thursday night where he throws a no look pass. And we're all just sort of looking at on the support center, a pass lead elite increased O power when leading bullet passes. These are all massive for Patrick Mahomes. If we look at the defensive side of the ball, take a guy like Jalen Ramsey, one of the most elite shutdown down corners we've had in the N F L since he came into the league. So Jalen Ramsey's top X-factor ability here would be dominantly when man press attempts when he has his X-factor.

So he has a couple of things he has to do to basically get to that mode or that moment. But once he has his X-factor activated, which will be the X underneath of his player, he will then have dominant man win press attempts. He also gets Acrobat, which allows him to get diving catches and swatch, which is huge. The amount of times you'll see on the sideline or across the field or a play that could really save your season or your game. Acrobat is a massive ability for defensive backs. He has one step ahead. Faster reactions to receiver cuts in man coverage. Again, helping you figure out the scheme you want to run if you're playing with the Dolphins is probably a better idea to run man coverage than to be sitting in zone because Jalen has a specific ability relating to man coverage. Bench press is also another ability that Jalen Ramsey has, and it's a pretty big one because this year it's very easy for receivers that have a high release rating to beat the defender off the line of scrimmage and potentially go over the top for a huge touchdown.

But Jalen Ramsey has bench press, which allows him to win or get pressed wins that fatigues the receiver, making it a little bit more difficult for them to be doing the routes they may want to, whether it's ultimate team, whether it's play now, whether it's franchise mode, you can sort by your different teams. You can look and see what your team ultimately has, you make a trade, pay attention to what that player's abilities has. If you're thinking about making a trade for a player or bringing a new player on an ultimate team, look and see what their abilities are that you can actually put onto their cards because these are massive and they dynamically shape every single game you play.

QB rollouts and playmaker stick

One of the last things we'll cover is QB rollouts and using the playmaker stick. If you don't know what the playmaker stick is, it will change your gameplay forever on your controller.

Use the right stick to move the nearest receiver in the direction you want them to do. So here for example, we're going to try a QB rollout and we're going to try to push the receiver up the field a little bit to either create space or use it to throw it deeper down to them. So as Lamar Jackson under center, we're going to run a little play action. We're going to roll out here to the right hand side, and we're going to push up on the stick to make B go up the field. Now, when that play didn't give us a ton of extra yards, but it did allow it to move the defensive back up the field a little bit more. You saw us do it again there, pushing the defensive back, having to respect the receiver a little bit more. Now this can be done from in the pocket, it can be done from a lot of different areas, but basically there we were able to push our running back up the field and JK Dobbins drops the pass, but still was going to be open again.

If we roll out a little bit, we can push B up the field that clears out the defenders, and now we've got X. It takes a little bit to get the hang of it, but as you can see, we were able to clear defenders out and find a brand new open receiver coming into that zone. It is a high skill, high risk, high reward move, and if you can pull it off, you can have plenty of touchdowns in your future. Those are eight important tips I think, to help you out. Whether you're jumping back into the game for the first time or just need a little bit extra boost to help be one of your friends in Madden 24. Be safe, be smart. Tell somebody you love them. Catch your guys on the next one.



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