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Learn the best ways to pass, catch, run and kick the ball in Madden NFL 24. In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively perform the following:


  1. Bullet Pass
  2. Touch Pass
  3. Lob Pass
  4. High Pass
  5. Low Pass
  6. Throw the Ball Away


  1. Possession Catch
  2. RAC Catch
  3. Aggressive Catch


  1. How to View Your Playart
  2. How to Use Sprint Effectively
  3. How to Flip Your Run Play
  4. Juke
  5. Dead-leg/Hesi
  6. Hurdle
  7. Truck
  8. Spin
  9. Stiff Arm
  10. Cover the Ball

Kicking Field Goals, Punting and Onside Kicks:

  1. How to Aim
  2. How to Use the Power and Accuracy Meter
  3. How to High Kick an Onside Kick
  4. How to Low Kick an Onside Kick

Video transcript:

Big thank you to EA for sponsoring this video. In this offensive basics video, we're going to cover how to pass, catch, run, and kick the ball.

How to pass in Madden 24

  • Bullet pass

There are three types of pass in Madden and the first one we're going to learn is a bullet pass. This will get the ball to the receiver as quick as possible and it's best used from medium to short range passes. To throw a bullet pass, you're going to hit and hold the receiver icon, so the running back R one, boom, hit and hold. Nice first down, nice pickup, easy pass.

  • Touch pass

The second type of pass we're going to use is called a touch pass. To use a touch pass, you're going to hit the receiver icon and then immediately let go. This is great for timing, routes and medium passes. Let's see, I got x. Nice touch pass, beautifully thrown, gives them a chance to get under the ball. Big first down.

  • Lob pass

Last type of pass we have is a lob pass. This is best used for throwing deep balls. In order to use a lob pass, all you have to do is tap the receiver icon. It takes some practice to get the timing down with the receiver, but once you got it, it bombs away. Let's see if we can get it here.

All we had digs, beautiful pass.

We got it. Touchdown. Let's go. What a play. He beat the press coverage. We threw the lob pass. We immediately know we had six. Love to see it. Beautiful lob pass.

  • High pass

Now that we know the types of passes, you could also modify that pass by throwing a high pass in Madden 23. High passes were really effective, but in Madden 24 it's a lot more risky, so you have to use a high pass. In the right scenario, I'm going to try to throw the ball over the linebacker and to my tight end. So to throw a high pass, you're going to hit the left bumper or L one and the receiver icon to throw that high pass. Let's see if we can get it here.

Beautiful high pass. Dawson knocks with the touchdown. Overtop the linebacker. That's the right scenario to throw a high pass. Good risk, good reward. Beautiful high pass.

  • Throwing the ball away

Sometimes the defense locks up and there's nobody open or someone was open and you just didn't see them. So you don't want to take a sack and lose yards, but you don't want to throw into coverage and turn the ball over. This is the right time to throw the ball away and play for the next down. To throw the ball away, you're going to press down on the right thumbs stick. Let's take a look.

Oh, I had X and oh, I missed him. I had X and I missed him. Too late. No one opened. Don't want to take the sack, throw the ball away. Stay in range. Don't lose yards.

How to catch the ball in Madden 24

  • Possession catch

Now that we know how to pass the ball, let's learn to catch the ball. There's three ways you can catch the ball. There's possession, run after the catch and there's aggressive. In order to do any of these mechanics, as soon as you throw the ball, hit the button for that type of catch on PlayStation. For possession catch, we're going to use X. Let's do a possession catch here. Quick throw to the outside. Hold x possession, catch falls to the ground, avoids the contact, gets a nice easy possession catch. Let's do one more here. Hold X falls to the ground nice and easy. You can also use this possession catch to do what people always say. The toe tap catch. That's the same type of catch.

  • Run after the catch

Next we have the run after the catch. This is if you have field in front of you and you want to try to score or get more yards. So on PlayStation it's going to be square.

Okay, we've got 'em over the middle square. We're going to run off the catch. Nice and easy. You see we got the check mark on the skills trainer here, and we're going to keep it moving. One more time. Run after the catch, throw it to O. Switch on easy. Tap square. As soon as the ball's thrown, that'll let my receiver know what type of catch I'm trying to do.

  • Aggressive catch

 Here we go. Aggressive catches. Aggressive catches are where you're trying to go up top. You're trying to make a tight catch. You're trying to go against a deep throw here. Let's give it a shot. Lob pass. Oh, I didn't time it up. Quite right. A little bit out of reach. Let's try it one more time.

Let's throw the lob. Give him a timing. Make an aggressive catch here. Yep, there we go. Feet down. Got it. Nice, easy, lob catch.

How to kick a field goal in Madden 24

We all know that kicking a field goal or an extra point could be the difference of a win or a loss. Let's learn how to do it so we can win more games. So to kick a field goal, you're going to move the left thumbs stick to aim the accuracy of the kick, and then you're going to hit X once to start the power meter and then a second time to confirm the accuracy. Perfect kick through the uprights or win that game. So in this scenario here, we're not quite lined up, so we're going to move it over using the left thumb stick. First one's power, second one's accuracy. We time it up perfectly. Time kick, beautifully done through the uprights.We'll win that game too.

Punting in Madden 24

Punting doesn't always come up in Madden, but when you have to punt, you better be able to flip the field and do it well. So right here we're going to have a similar meter and we're going to have a similar arc. Move the left thumbs stick to put the ball where you want it, and then we're going to pick the type of kick we want, whether it's a sky kick, you see it's a very high arching kick, a lot of hang time, a normal kick, just a regular old kick or backspin. So we try to get the ball to sit down where we want it. Okay, same type of concept and move it around and get where we ball. We want where we want it. I'm going to try backspin here. You see the meter, perfect power, perfect accuracy. Let's get this back spin hope the ball sits here

It sits down. Beautiful job on the 18 yard line. Let's give it one more time here. We're going to move it around. Little pro tip. If you push down on the thumbs stick, you'll see the arc becomes more shallow and if you push up in the thumbs stick, you see more of a high arc, more hang time. So we want the ball to hit the hotspot here in the skills trainer. We're going to do a little bit out of bounds. We're going to directionally kick it meter up once for power, second time for accuracy. Let's get it out of bounds.

Nicely done. Beautiful punt. We're not going to punt all the time, but when the time comes up, we better be ready.

How to Kick off in Madden 24

Finally, let's learn how to do a kickoff kickoff's. So nice and easy, you're going to do this every single game. It's always going to be a scenario that comes up. Same type of meter that you get with punts. Sky kick normal, and then you get a squid kick. A squid kick is a ball that's going to be kick shallow to try to run the clock. Let's take a look at the squibb kick First power meter seconds accuracy. It's accurate. Watch how it kind of drops here. Kick it over to a secondary guy. It's going to sit there longer. The clock's going to run here and it's going to be harder to return a kickoff for a touchdown.

  • Sky kick

The last type of kick is a sky kick.This is used to give your defense a chance to get down there and in better position for kick coverage. It's a high hanging, longer type of kick. Let's give it a shot here. Booted down there. Let our defense get down there and get set up. A lot of arc on this kick allows us to set up our defense. Get down there right away. Good coverage, good sky kick.

  • Onside Kick

The last type of kick is an onside kick where you want to get the ball back on the kickoff. And in Madden 24, there's a couple new ways to do this. They introduce the strong onside kick and the speed onside kick. So I'm going to pick strong here. And then they also have on the return side base hands and xl. So like your big guys. I'll go hands team for the defending side here. And then they also add two new ways to kick the ball.

You have a high kick and a low kick. A high kick is that big arcing type of kick. You can see it here real quick. Accuracy is perfect ball's way up there and we, oh, they caught the ball. Anyways. Very close though on the high kick. Let's try the low kick here. See if we can get this between the two receiving guys and we're going to come down with it. That'd be great if we could give it a little boot here. Good bounce, but oh, right to the guy. No onside recovery. We have those new options here in Madden 24. Head to the practice mode and give 'em a try to try to find the best one that fits you so far. I found that the XL guys are interesting on both sides of the ball. I like the XL guys because it gives you a better chance to knock the ball out when the receiving team is kicking it.

So let's give one more try here. Boom. High kick. Let's see if we can get it. Give me one, give me one. Give me one for the bid. One for the bid. We always had it. We always had it. It was so close. I wanted it for the video. Oh, we're this close, but keep practicing and you'll get it down. It's a high risk, high reward type of kick. Good luck and we'll see you in the game.

How to run the ball in Madden 24

Let's learn how to run the ball in Madden 24. If you plan all pro or lesser difficulty, when you hold the right trigger to look at your play art, you're going to see a green and a red box in most scenarios. A green box means you have a positive blocking count to that side. So in this scenario, we have the center, the right guard, the left guard, and the tight end match up against those front defenders.

So it should be a positive run opportunity to the right. Let's give it a go. We'll get the blocking. We're able to sprint out and get some good extra yardage. The key to that play was I didn't sprint until I got to the edge and then I accelerated past the last defender. Let's try it one more time. It's important to not always pull the right trigger to sprint. As soon as the run play happens, it'll allow you to boost past defenders in the right scenario. One more time here. Now we're going to sprint and get the edge and we're able to get some positive yards there. Let's make it a little harder on ourselves. Let's go to the left side where there's more defenders than there are blockers. To flip the play, we're going to push left on the right thumbs stick. And then if we look at the play art, you'll see it's going towards the red side of the box.

More defenders than there are blockers. This will make us work a little bit harder or it could catch our opponent off guard because they think we're going to run to the stronger side of the field. Let's give it a go. Bounce the outside. Pick a block up. I sprint, but only pick up a few yards. Let's give it one more go here. And when you run into practice mode, try out these skill moves. The juke, the spin, the stiff arm, the truck stick. All those are great ways to extend a run, break a tackle, and possibly have a huge gain. Let's give one more run here. Nice and easy. I'm not sprinting, now I'm sprinting. Now I'm exploding. Now I'm getting big time yards. You see how I was patient, way to the hole developed and then boom, get a nice big gain there. Let's run it one more time to the outside.

I'm sprinting away from the defender here. I'm letting off the sprint, picking up some positive yards. It looks really bad, but luckily I didn't sprint run away, so I was able to escape away from the defender. Now you see we hold right trigger here and the box counts actually to the left. So we're going to flip it, push the right thumbs stick over here. We have the box count out here. We get to the outside. We got a double block there, a little juke picking up some extra yards. What a huge run. We pick up 12 yards because we flipped the play. We were patient and just a quality run. So make sure you jump into practice mode. Try out different run plays, find out what works best for your offense, and then practice those skill moves. The skill moves are going to be the separator, and then once you get that patience down, you're going to have big time runs because Madden 20 four's new blocking system really allows you to be a patient runner and really find those holes for the big time gains. Good luck in Madden 24 and we'll see you in the game.



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Madden NFL 24