Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Additional Balance Update for July 2018
Thank you everyone for the feedback that is continuously provided and for being such a passionate community.
Thank you everyone for the feedback that is continuously provided and for being such a passionate community. We’ve heard you and are excited to make a few tweaks to the recent balance patch. Here are the details!
Nec’Rose received a damage increase in the previous patch, and since then has been the premier variant in the class. The intention was not to make her shine above the other variants, so the change has been reverted to bring parity among them.
Cosmic Brainz and Electro Brainz were struggling as brawlers in comparison to the other variants. Therefore, Cosmic Brainz melee now takes a shorter time to charge the first punch, allowing for combos that are out of this world. Electro Brainz also received a jolt and will now punch faster with electricity jumping to other enemies more frequently!

Finally, Heroic Kick having its knockback removed made it feel like a ghost kick and not very impactful. The removal of knockback also took away counter play mechanics that were extremely useful, and for these reasons knockback has been added back to Heroic Kick.
Tuning Changes:
- Staff of Jinxing
- Impact damage: 7.5 > 6.5
Super Brainz:
Cozmic Brainz:
- Cosmic Fists
- First Punch Charge
- Total Time Charging: 1 second > .4 second
- First Punch Charge
Electro Brainz
- Electro Fists
- Increased rate of fire
- Jumping Electric damage added to punches 1/3/5
- Damage to first target: 15 > 3
- Damage to second target: 5 > 3
- Damage to third target: 3 (unchanged)
- Heroic Kick has knockback again