Star Wars™: Squadrons Xbox One Controls
Learn how to master your starfighters in Star Wars™: Squadrons with these controls tips and tricks for Xbox One.
A: Cycle Targets / Target My Attacker (double-tap)
B: Countermeasures
X: Focus Shields / Convert Power
Y: Ping Target / Acknowledge Ping (double-tap) / Comm Menu (hold)
RT: Primary Weapon
LT: Select Target Ahead / Targeting Menu (hold)
RB: Fire Right Auxiliary
LB: Fire Left Auxiliary
RS: Pitch (vertical) / Yaw (horizontal) / Free Look (double-tap)
LS: Throttle (vertical) / Roll (horizontal) / Boost (tap) / Drift (hold while boosting)
D-Pad Up: Increase Weapon Power
D-Pad Down: Balance Power
D-Pad Right: Increase Shield Power
D-Pad Left: Increase Engine Power
Menu button: Menu
View: Show Loadout