UFC 4 Joint Submissions Tips & tricks
Learn how to improve your skills in UFC 4
Which Submissions are Joint Submissions
Armbars, Shoulder Locks, Leg Locks and Twister.
How to use Joint Submission game
Use controlled pressure to move your wedge back and forth.\nSqueezing ^LT^ moves to the left.\nSqueezing ^RT^ moves to the right.\nSqueezing both 50/50 or letting go of both inputs stays in the middle.
^RT^+^LT^ (Pressure Sensitive)
Joint Submission Offense
Use ^RT^ and ^LT^ to move your wedge on top of your opponent's. The longer you stay on top and the more you overlap, the more your Submission Meter will fill.
^RT^+^LT^ (Pressure Sensitive)
Joint Submission Defense
Use ^RT^ and ^LT^ to move your wedge away from your opponent's. Use controlled pressure to move the wedge. Changing directions too quickly will cause your wedge to grow.
^RT^+^LT^ (Pressure Sensitive)
Damage Effects
Joint submissions leave lasting damage to the defender the longer they stay in the submission. This damage is applied to the Arm (Block Meter), Body, or Leg.