I: Sweden Memorandum
MARCH 3rd, 2043
On February 27 at 1700, MFS-04 Exodus successfully deciphered the coordinates for the Shearwater package: a remote Nordvik factory in Lappland, Sweden.
We believe “Oz” is using Nordvik to develop critical components for his weapon, codenamed Project: SILVER SPEAR.
I’ve also confirmed two reports:
- Dr. Voros, lead scientist on Steadfast Refuge, has betrayed us and is overseeing Silver Spear.
- With the assistance of the Dark Market, “Oz” has taken control of the Shearwater-2 satellite.
Steadfast Refuge is our response to Earth’s unprecedented environmental disasters: a geoengineering machine capable of manipulating environmental conditions, alleviating the threats of superstorms and climate change, as well as rehabilitating ecosystems rendered uninhabitable by their effects.
In our hands, it is the miracle cure. In the hands of our enemy, it is a weapon of mass destruction. It could accelerate disruptive weather patterns, render populated biomes unlivable, or trigger another blackout.
This is what “Oz” has been planning since Doha. We must strike now, before Silver Spear is complete. I am requesting immediate approval for Operation: WAR MACHINE.
Exodus is standing by. The vessel’s combat ready – all civilians, including families and children, deboarded at the last port (including, thankfully, that irritating journalist). The fireteam’s recon identified two high value targets on site: Voros and Rasheed Zain, a commander in Oz’s insurgency. With your approval, Exodus will execute the S&D operation, infiltrating the facility and destroying the WMD.
With reports of an Eastern offensive mobilizing around the facility, this should be our top priority.
Provided here is our Zain Profile and Nordvik Summary Report. I look forward to your swift authorization.
SOO Wolff
Non-Patriated Counter Terrorism Unit
II: Zain Profile

Citizen: Egyptian
Weight: 180lbs
Height: 5ft, 11in
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Birthdate: October 2, 2018 (Age 24)
Maritial Status: Unmarried
Languages: Egyptian Arabic, English
Military Service: El-Sa’ka (4 years)
Born in New Cairo City 2018 to Karim and Marwa Zain, Rasheed was an only child. With his father a Parliamentary office manager and his mother a government lawyer, Rasheed’s world was shaped by political realities from childhood.
In 2023, both parents lost their jobs as the Cairo governorate deteriorated. Like many at the time, they found residence with family and friends. Marwa became a political activist, fighting the system she once protected. Her firebrand ideology inspired Rasheed, who joined her at marches and rallies.
In 2033, Marwa was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and the family relocated to the countryside to seek better care. Zain struggled with the change and, eager to find renewed purpose, joined the Egyptian military in 2035. Confident and resourceful, he quickly climbed the ranks and joined El-Sa’ka.
Zain’s life changed forever in 2039, while evacuating a collapsing tower block. With the evac believed complete, Zain re-entered the building against orders, claiming he heard people still inside. The building collapsed moments later.
A day later, Zain was found buried under rubble, using his body to protect a civilian. They both survived, but Zain’s extensive injuries required life-saving surgery: double amputation of his legs above the knee.
After rehabilitation, he returned to New Cairo City and volunteered at a No-Pat shelter.
It was here he met “Oz.”
“Oz” had a profound impact on Zain, reportedly because “Oz” saw himself in the young idealist. He made Zain his protégé, corrupting the once promising soldier’s mind with his movement’s ideology, delusions, and false promises.
In 2040, Zain formally aligned with “Oz,” declaring himself non-patriated and renouncing his citizenship. He was fitted with state-of-the-art prosthetics and took part in dozens of terrorist operations against US Forces, as well as the assault on Exodus before Doha.

Rasheed Zain patrolling Nordvik’s Lappland Facility. Surveillance photo captured by NP Specialist Casper’s OV-P Recon Drone.
Zain may be young, but we should not underestimate him. He’s a true-believer, convinced his fight is just and his cause is good. He inspires those around him and has become a rallying figure within the movement. Should “Oz” fall, Zain may inherit the throne.
When confronted, he may attempt to manipulate the Exodus crew.
III: Nordvik – Summary Report
Nordvik was formed in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2028 by Måns Nordqvist, Erik Nilsson, and Oscar Bergman. Initially an agricultural equipment manufacturer focused on heavy-duty machinery for corporate farming, Nordvik’s ambitions far exceeded the agroindustry.
For their founders, their company represented the litmus test for the future of automation. Nordqvist, Nilson and Bergman were from the technology sector, where each pioneered automation, robotics, and large-scale 3D printing. Each of their factories is fully automated without any permanent personnel. Without employees, most of their factories were constructed in remote, isolated locations.
As the EU collapsed, Nordvik shifted their business to support the military industrial complex. With their factories already designed for oversized manufacturing, the pivot to military vehicles, tanks, and drones was an easy one.
While a portion of Nordvik’s business empire still supports agricultural and technical industries, 80% of operations was dedicated to military production by 2034.
Publicly, Nordvik maintains a façade of neutrality. They represent themselves as a “peaceful corporation” that helps all in need.
Privately, Nordvik and the United States reached an agreement to ensure allied nations received the vast majority of all contracts.
We recently learned this arrangement was not as exclusive as believed: over the last several years, one of Nordvik’s founders, Bergman, has partnered with the Dark Market. The decision to support Silver Spear was arranged by them – Nordvik’s chance to demonstrate their loyalty.
This has been reported to Nordqvist and Nilsson. They agree cooperation is in their best interest.
Exodus confirms no personnel at the facility. The only assets on site are Voros and Zain.
Nordvik has agreed to grant Exodus access to the subterranean floor where Silver Spear is being developed. In turn, the United States has sent US forces and defensive support to combat the approaching Eastern threat.

Reconnaissance intel collected by Fireteam Exodus.
IV: Transcript – Operation: War Machine
MARCH 14th, 2043
Sitrep at Nordvik. Transcription excerpt from Fireteam Exodus encounter with HVT Zain.
--from this height it would take one shot. Listen to me: I’m not the enemy.
Pierdolę! He’s buying time. He can’t kill us all.
Agreed. I say we put two in him and move on.
If I wanted you dead, Kalila would have done so before you broke the perimeter. I’ve had eyes-on for days.
All right. We put two in him and two in his robo-pup.
Step back, Crawford. He has the drop on us. But he’s not pulling the trigger.
Domkop! My drones don’t lie. Voros is building something behind those doors.
Enough! Everyone, stand down.... Okay. Here’s the deal: there’s an Eastern offensive 10 klicks east. Nobody walks away if we’re still here when they attack. Speak now or let’s get this over with.
Oz is not building a weapon. You have all been deceived. Wolff... he cannot be trusted.
Wait a minute. How the fuck do you know Wolff?—
At this time, I believe the MFS-04 Exodus may be compromised. Requesting your immediate approval for escalation and a proportional response.
Standing by.
– Non-Patriated Counter Terrorism Unit