Choose your role on the battlefield and form custom-made squads through the Specialists of Battlefield 2042. Based on Battlefield's four Classes, Specialists have Traits, Specialties, Gadgets, and Weapon Proficiencies unique to either the Specialist or its Class. Choosing and equipping your Specialist allows you to build synergies within your squad and empower yourself to take on any battle situation.

Eager to take on the frontline? With extra AR ammo and self-healing gear, the Assault class specializes in spearheading attacks. Specialists Mackay, Dozer, Sundance, and Zain are part of this aggressive Class and can be trusted to storm into objectives. Assaults can also use demolition equipment to bring down enemy defenses, intrusive vehicles, or to open up new paths.

With their immense repair skills, Engineers are crucial to the success of any vehicles in battle. Engineer Specialists Boris, Crawford, and Lis can also take down enemy vehicles from afar, fortify spaces, and provide the team with equipment useful for holding on to objectives.

Support Specialists are essential to teammates who want to stay in the fight. Reviving, resupplying ammo, and handing out suppressive equipment, Supports let fellow No-Pats engage in sustained combat. The Support Class is composed of Specialists Falck, Angel, and Irish.

If close-quarters combat isn’t for you, then look to the Recon class for sniping and other vantage point abilities. Recons like Paik, Casper, and Rao look to avoid direct confrontation and instead look for backdoor opportunities for themselves and the team. Their equipment interferes with enemy systems and creates weaknesses through subversion and sharing information about enemy positions.