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  • Barré-Brisebois, C. (2024, July 30). Academic partnerships and talent development at EA. ACM SIGGRAPH, Denver, USA. Presentation (pptx 192 MB).
  • Borovikov, I. (2024, June 5-6). Towards optimal training distribution for photo-to-face models. Center for Advanced Signal and Image Sciences (CASIS) 28th Annual Workshop, Livermore, CA.
  • Phan, H. N. (2024, Mar 18–22). From photo to expression: Generating photorealistic facial rigs. Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, CA. Presentation and video.
  • Villanueva Aylagas, M. & García, J. (2024, June 15-17). Incorporating a machine learning research project into game audio production: The ExFlowSions case study. AES Europe 2024, Madrid, Spain. Presentation and video.

Papers & Articles

  • Bergdahl, J., Sestini, A., Gisslén, L. (2024, August 7). Reinforcement learning for high-level strategic control in tower defense games. IEEE Conference on Games, Milan, Italy. Paper.
  • Donnelly, W., Wolfe, A., Bütepage, J., & Valdés, J. (2024, May 8-10). Filter-adapted spatio-temporal sampling for real-time rendering. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3G Graphics and Games, Philadelphia, USA. Paper.
  • Kucherenko, T. (Electronic Arts), Wolfert, P. (Radboud University), Yoon, Y. (ETRI), Viegas, C. (Carnegie Mellon University), Nikolov, T. (Umeå), Tsakov, M. (Umeå), & Henter, G.E. (KTH). (2024, April). Evaluating gesture generation in a large-scale open challenge: The GENEA challenge 2022. ACM Transactions on Graphics. Paper.
  • Lewin, C. (2024, August 1). A position based material point method. ACM SIGGRAPH, Denver, USA. Paper.
  • Macaluso, G. (University of Florence), Sestini, A. (Electronic Arts), & Bagdanov, A. (University of Florence) (2024, August 6). A benchmark environment for offline reinforcement learning in racing games. IEEE Conference on Games, Milan, Italy. Paper.
  • Marini, L., Gisslén, L., & Sestini, A. (2024, August 7). Leveraging large language models for efficient failure analysis in game development IEEE Conference on Games, Milan, Italy. Paper.
  • Villanueva Aylagas, M., Bergdahl, J., Gillberg, J., Sestini, A., Tolstoy, T., & Gisslén, L. (2024, August 7). Improving conditional level generation using automated validation in match-3 games. IEEE Transactions on Games. Paper.
  • Yadgaroff, D., Sestini, A., Tollmar, K., Özçelikkale, A., & Gisslén, L. (2024, June 30 – July 5). Improving generalization in game agents with data augmentation in imitation learning. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Yokohama, Japan. Paper and video presentation.



  • Bütepage, J. (2023, November 6–7). Beyond text and images: Generative AI in the game industry. Nordic Data Science & Machine Learning Summit, Stockholm, Sweden. Presentation.
  • Gisslén, L. (2023, August 21–24). Machine learning for game production. IEEE Conference on Games 2023, Boston, USA.
  • Kucherenko, T. & Tollmar, K. (2023, August 21–25). WASP summer school of human communication. Wallenberg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), Norrköping, Sweden.

Papers & Articles

  • Ahlberg, W., Sestini, A., Tollmar, K., Gisslén, L. (2023, August 21–24). Generating personas for games with multimodal adversarial imitation learning. IEEE Conference on Games 2023, Boston, USA. Paper.
  • Borovikov, I., Levonyan, K., & Anghelescu M. (2023, January 7-8). Synthesis of realistic randomized faces for virtual environments. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Waikoloa, USA. Paper.
  • Gillberg, J., Bergdahl, J., Sestini, A., Eakins, A, & Gisslén. L. (2023, August 21-24). Technical Challenges of Deploying Reinforcement Learning Agents for Game Testing in AAA Games. IEEE Conference on Games 2023, Boston, USA. Paper.
  • Hassan, M. (Electronic Arts), Guo, Y. (NVIDIA), Wang, T. (NVIDIA), Black, M. (Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems), Fidler, S. (NVIDIA), & Peng, X. (NVIDIA) (2023, August 6). Synthesizing physical character-scene interactions. SIGGRAPH 2023, USA. Paper, video.
  • Kucherenko, T. (Electronic Arts), Nagy, R. (KTH), Yoon, Y. (ETRI), Woo, J. (ISIR), Nikolov, T. (Umeå) Tsakov, M. (Umeå), & Henter, G.E. (KTH). (2023, October 9-13). The GENEA Challenge 2023: A large-scale evaluation of gesture generation models in monadic and dyadic settings. ACM ICMI, Paris, France. Paper & video.
  • Nyatsanga, S. (University of California), Kucherenko, T. (Electronic Arts), Ahuja, C. (Meta AI), Henter, G. E. (KTH), & Neff, M. (University of California) (2023, May 8–10). A comprehensive review of data-driven co-speech gesture generation. Saarbrücken, Germany. Paper.
  • Sestini, A. & de Schaetzen, R. (2023, August 21–24). Efficient ground vehicle path following in game AI. IEEE Conference on Games 2023, Boston, USA. Paper.



  • Jayaram, U. (2021, December 9). AI in game industry: Building new worlds and new mindsets. MIT Technology Review Arabia, virtual conference. Video.

Papers & Articles

  • Andreu, S., & Villanueva Aylagas, M. (2022, October 24-28). Neural synthesis of sound effects using flow-based deep generative models. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, Pomona, USA. Paper and video.
  • Bolduc, M. M. & Phan, H. N. (2022, December 6–9). Rig inversion by training a differentiable rig function. Siggraph Asia, Daegu, South Korea. Paper and video.
  • Borovikov, I., Levonyan, K., Rein, J., Wrotek, P., & Victor, N. (2022, July 30-31). Applied Monocular Reconstruction of Parametric Faces with Domain Engineering. International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, London, UK. Paper.
  • Deng, Q. (University of Houston), Jin, A. (University of Houston-Victoria), Le, B. H. (SEED), & Deng, Z. (University of Houston) (2022, October 10–14). End-to-end 3D face reconstruction with expressions and specular albedos from single in-the-wild images. ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Lisboa, Portugal. Paper.
  • Greige, L. (Electronic Arts & Boston University), De Mesentier Silva, F. (Electronic Arts), Trotter, M. (GlaxoSmithKline), Lawrence, C. (Electronic Arts), Chin, P. (Boston University, Harvard University & MIT), & Varadarajan, D. (Electronic Arts) (2022, March 27-29). Collusion detection in team-based multiplayer games. AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning and Knowledge Engineering for Hybrid Intelligence, Palo Alto, USA. Paper.
  • He, Y. (KTH), Pereira, A. (KTH), & Kucherenko, T. (SEED) (2022, 6–9 September) Evaluating data-driven co-speech gestures of embodied conversational agents through real-time interaction. ACM IVA Conference, Algarve, Portugal. Paper.
  • Levonyan, K., Harder, J., & De Mesentier Silva, F. (2022, July 18-23). Automated graph genetic algorithm based puzzle validation for faster game design. IEEE World Congress On Computational Intelligence, Padua, Italy. Paper.
  • Mason, I. (The University of Edinburgh), Starke, S. (Electronic Arts), & Kimura, T. (The University of Edinburgh & The University of Hong Kong). (2022, May 3-5). Real-time style modeling of human locomotion via feature-wise transformations and local motion phases. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, online. Paper.
  • Sestini, A. (SEED), Bergdahl, J. (SEED), Tollmar, K. (SEED), Bagdanov, A. D. (Universita degli Studi di Firenze), & Gisslén, L. (SEED) (2022, December 2). Towards informed design and validation assistance in computer games using imitation learning. NeurIPS Workshop on Human in the Loop Learning, New Orleans, USA. Paper and video.
  • Sestini, A. (SEED), Gisslén, L. (SEED), Bergdahl, J. (SEED), Tollmar, K. (SEED), & Bagdanov, A. D. (Universita degli Studi di Firenze) (2022, February 21). CCPT: Automatic gameplay testing and validation with curiosity-conditioned proximal trajectories. Paper and video.
  • Starke, S. (Electronic Arts), Mason, I. (The University of Edinburgh), & Komura, T. (The University of Hong Kong) (2022, August 8-11). DeepPhase: Periodic autoencoders for learning motion phase manifolds. ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada. Paper.
  • Tamm, M., Shamon, O., Anadon Leon, H., Tollmar, K., & Gisslén, L. (2022, August 21–24). Automatic testing and validation of level of detail reductions through supervised learning. IEEE Conference on Games, Beijing, China. Paper.
  • Villanueva Aylagas, M., Anadon Leon, H., Teye, M., & Tollmar, K. (2022, September 13–15). Voice2Face: Audio-driven facial and tongue rig animations with cVAEs. Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Durham, United Kingdom. Paper and video.
  • Wolfe, A. (SEED), Morrical, N. (NVIDIA, University of Utah), Akenine-Moller, T. (NVIDIA), Ramamoorthi, R. (NVIDIA, University of California) (2022, July 4-6). Spatiotemporal blue noise masks. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Prague, Czech Republic. Paper and video.
  • Xie, Z. (Electronic Arts & University of British Columbia), Starke, S. (Electronic Arts), Yu Ling, H., & van de Panne, M. (University of British Columbia). (2022, August 8-11). Learning soccer juggling skills with layer-wise mixture-of-experts. ACM SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada. Paper.
  • Yoon, Y. (ETRI), Wolfert, P. (IDLab), Kucherenko, T. (SEED), Viegas, C. (Carnegie Mellon), Nikolov, T. (Umeå), Tsakov, M. (Umeå). (2022, 7-11 November). The GENEA Challenge 2022: A large evaluation of data-driven co-speech gesture generation. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, Bengaluru, India. Paper and video.



  • Barré-Brisebois, C. (2021, June 21). Trace all the rays! ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, online conference. Presentation and video.
  • Gisslén, L. (2021, January 29). Augmenting automated game testing with deep reinforcement learning, Re•Work Deep Learning Summit, online conference. Presentation and video.
  • Gisslén, L. & Tollmar, K. (2021, November 8–11). Towards advanced game testing with AI. GTC 2021, online conference. Presentation and video.
  • Halén, H., Brinck, A., Hayward, K., & Xiangshun B. (2021, April 20-22). Global illumination based on surfels. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, online conference. Video.

Papers & Articles

  • Deng, Q., Ma, L., Jin, A., Bi. H., Le, B. H., & Deng, Z. (2021, January 13). Plausible 3D face wrinkle generation using variational autoencoders. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume: 28, Issue: 9. Paper.
  • Gisslén, L., Eakins, A., Gordillo, C., Bergdahl, J., & Tollmar, K. (2021, August 17–20). Adversarial reinforcement learning for procedural content generation. IEEE Conference on Games, Copenhagen, Denmark. Paper and video.
  • Gordillo, C., Bergdahl, J., Tollmar, K., & Gisslén, L. (2021, August 17–20). Improving playtesting coverage via curiosity-driven reinforcement learning agents. IEEE Conference on Games, Copenhagen, Denmark. Paper and video.
  • Le, B. H., Villeneuve, K., & Gonzalez-Ochoa, C. (2021, August 9–13). Direct delta mush skinning compression with continuous examples. ACM SIGGRAPH, online conference. Paper and video.
  • Lewin, C. (2021, August 9–13). Neural network cloth simulation in Madden NFL 21. ACM SIGGRAPH, online conference. Paper and video.
  • Starke, S. (Electronic Arts & The University of Edinburgh), Zhao, Y., Zinno, F. (Electronic Arts), & Komura, T. (The University of Edinburgh & The University of Hong Kong). (2021, July 19). Neural animation layering for synthesizing martial arts movements. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Journal. Paper.
  • Villeneuve, K., Gruson, A., Georgiev, Iliyan., & Nowrouzezahrai, D. (2021, June 29-July 2). Practical product sampling for single scattering in media. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Saarbrücken, Germany. Paper and video.


Papers & Articles

  • Bergdahl, J., Gordillo, C., Tollmar, K., & Gisslén, L. (2020, August 24–27). Augmenting automated game testing with deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Conference on Games, Osaka, Japan. Paper & video.
  • Garcia-Ling, C. (2020, October 19–23). Graphical glitch detection in video games using convolutional neural networks. KTH University, Master's Thesis. Paper.
  • Garcia-Ling, C., Tollmar, K., & Gisslén, L. (2020, February 7–12). Using deep convolutional neural networks to detect rendered glitches in video games. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, USA. Paper.
  • Liang, J., Liu, H., Zhao Y., Sanjabi, M., Sardari, M., Chaput, H., Aghdaie, N., & Zaman, K. (2020 October 25-28). Building placements in urban modeling using conditional generative latent optimization. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Paper.
  • Nikolakaki, S., Dibie, O., Beirami, A., Peterson, N., Aghdaie, N., & Zaman, K. (2020, August 24-27). Competitive balance in team sports games. IEEE Conference on Games, online. Paper.
  • Starke, S. (Electronic Arts & The University of Edinburgh), Zhao, Y. (Electronic Arts), Komura, T. (The University of Edinburgh), & Zaman, K. (Electronic Arts). (2020 August 17-28). Local motion phases for learning multi-contact character movements. ACM SIGGRAPH, online. Paper.
  • Yang, J. (Electronic Arts & Georgia Institute of Technology), Borovikov, I. (Electronic Arts), & Zha, H. (Georgia Institute of Technology). (2020 May 9-13). Hierarchical cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning with unsupervised skill discovery. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Auckland, New Zeland. Paper.
  • Zhao, Y., Borovikov, I., De Mesentier Silva, F., Beirami, A., Rupert, J., Somers, C., Harder, J., Kolen, J., Pinto, J., Pourabolghasem, R., Pestrak, J., Chaput, H., Sardari, M., Lin, L., Narravula, S., Aghdaie, N., & Zaman, K. (2020 May 29). Winning is not everything: Enhancing game development with intelligent agents. IEEE Transactions on Games, Journal. Paper.



  • Barré-Brisebois, C. (2019, July 28). State-of-the-art and challenges in game ray tracing: Are we done with ray tracing? ACM SIGGRAPH Courses, Los Angeles, USA. (PPTX, PDF)
  • Barré-Brisebois, C. (2019). Texture level of detail strategies for real-time ray tracing. In “Ray Tracing Gems,” Haines E., Akenine-Möller T., (Eds.). Apress, ch. 20. (PPTX, PDF).
  • Del Val Santos, J. (2019, March 18–22). Towards deep generative models in game development. Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA. slides.
  • Wihlidal, G. (2019, April 11-13). Halcyon: Rapid innovation using modern graphics, Reboot Develop Blue, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (PPTX. PDF, YouTube).

Papers & Articles

  • Akenine-Moller, T. (NVIDIA), Nilsson, J. (NVIDIA), Andersson, M. (NVIDIA), Barré-Brisebois, C. (SEED), Toth, T. (NVIDIA), & Karras, T. (NVIDIA). (2019). Texture Level of Detail Strategies for Real-Time Ray Tracing. In “Ray Tracing Gems,” Haines E., Akenine-Möller T., (Eds.). Apress, ch. 20. Chapter.
  • Angles, B. (SEED, Google, Université de Toulouse), Rebain, D. (Google, University of Victoria), Macklin, M. (NVIDIA, University of Copenhagen), Wywill, B. (University of Victoria), Barthe, L. (Université de Toulouse, IRIT / CNRS), Lewis, J.P. (SEED), Von Der Pahlen, J. (SEED), Izadi, S. (Google), Valentin, J. (Google), Bouaziz, S. (Google), & Tagliasacchi, A. (Google, University of Waterloo, University of Victoria). (2019, July). VIPER: Volume invariant position-based elastic rods. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Volume 2, Issue 2. Paper.
  • Barré-Brisebois, C., Halén, H. , Wihlidal, G., Lauritzen, A., Bekkers, J., Stachowiak, T., & Andersson, J. (2019). Hybrid rendering for real-time ray tracing. In “Ray Tracing Gems,” Haines E., Akenine-Möller T., (Eds.). Apress, ch. 25. Chapter.
  • Borovikov, I., Beirami, A. (2019 March 25-27). From demonstrations and knowledge engineering to a DNN agent in a modern open-world video game. AAAI Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering, Palo Alto, USA. Paper.
  • Le, B. H. & Lewis, JP. (2019, August). Direct delta mush skinning and variants. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 38, Issue 4, Article No.: 113. Paper.
  • Le, B. H., Halén, H., Gonzalez-Ochoa, C., & Lewis, JP. (2019, May 21-23). High-quality object-space dynamic ambient occlusion for characters using bi-level regression. ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, Montreal, Canada. Paper.
  • Zhao, Y., Liu, H., Borovikov, I., Beirami, A., Sanjabi, M., & Zaman, K. (2019 November 17-20). Multi-theme generative adversarial terrain amplification. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, Brisbane, Australia. Paper.



  • Andersson, J. & Barré-Brisebois, C. (2018, March 19–23). DirectX: Evolving Microsoft’s graphics platform. Games Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA. Slides.
  • Andersson, J. and Barré-Brisebois, C. (2018, March 19–23). Shiny pixels and beyond: Real-time raytracing at SEED. Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA. slides, video.
  • Barré-Brisebois, C. (2018, August 10-12). Game ray tracing: State-of-the-art and open problems. Keynote, High-Performance Graphics, Vancouver, Canada. Slides.
  • Barré-Brisebois, C. & Halén, H. (2018, August 12–16). PICA PICA & NVIDIA Turing. NVIDIA real-time raytracing sponsored session at SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada. Slides.
  • Harmer, J. (2018, August 14). Imitation learning with concurrent actions in 3D games. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
  • Lewis, JP. (2018, July 11–13). Open problems in character animation for games and VFX. Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Paris, France.
  • Lewis, JP. (2018, April 27). Constructing artificial characters – traditional versus deep learning approaches. Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Lewis, JP. (2018, March 7-9). Keynote, Swedish Society for Automated Image Analysis Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Nordin, M. (2018, March 19–23). Deep learning: beyond the hype. Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • Nordin, M. (2018, March 26). Deep reinforcement learning for 3D multiplayer games. GPU Technology Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • Opara, A. (2018, March 19–23). Creativity of rules and patterns: designing procedural systems. Games Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA. Slides & video.
  • Opara, A. (2018, April 22–23). Exploring the collaboration between proceduralism & deep learning. Everything Procedural Conference, Breda, The Netherlands. Slides & video.
  • Opara, A. (2018, August 23–25). Functional symbiosis of art direction and proceduralism. Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, Yokohama, Japan. Slides.
  • Stachowiak, T. (2018, May 21–22). Stochastic all the things: raytracing in hybrid real-time rendering. Digital Dragons, Krakow, Poland. Slides & video.
  • Stachowiak, T. (2018, August 23–25). Towards effortless photorealism through real-time raytracing. Computer Entertainment Developers Conference, Yokohama, Japan. Slides.
  • Wihlidal, G. & Lauritzen, A. (2018, March 19–23). Vulkan advisory panel: bringing up Frostbite on Vulkan.Games Developers Conference, San Francisco, USA.
  • Wihlidal, G. (2018, November) Halcyon architecture: director’s cut. Slides (PPTX. PDF, Notes)
  • Wihlidal, G. (2018, October 26). Halcyon + Vulkan. Khronos Meetup, Munich, Germany. Slides.
  • Wihlidal, G. & Barré-Brisebois, C. (2018, November 14). Modern graphics abstractions & real-time ray tracing.SyysGraph, Helsinki, Finland. Slides.
  • Wyman, C. (NVIDIA), Shirley, P. (NVIDIA), Hargreaves, S. (Microsoft), & Barré-Brisebois, C. (SEED). (2018, August 12–16). Introduction to DirectX raytracing. SIGGRAPH, Vancouver, Canada. Slides.

Papers & Articles

  • Dean, C. (Victoria University of Wellington), Lewis, J.P. (SEED), & Chalmers, A. (Victoria University of Wellington). (2018, December 4). A magic wand for motion capture editing and edit propagation. SIGGRAPH Asia, Tokyo, Japan. Technical Brief.
  • Harmer, J., Gisslén, L., Del Val, J., Holst, H., Bergdahl, J., Olsson, T., Sjöö, K., & Nordin, M. (2018, August 14–17). Imitation learning with concurrent actions in 3D games. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Paper.
  • Lamarre, M., Lewis, J.P., & Danvoye, É. (2018, November 19–21). Face stabilization by mode pursuit for avatar construction. International Conference on Image and Vision Computing, Auckland, New Zealand. Paper.
  • Roberts, R. (Victoria University of Wellington), Lewis, J.P. (SEED), Anjyo, K. (OLM Digital and CMIC), Seo, J. (Pinscreen), & Seol, Y. (Weta Digital). (2018, December 4). Optimal and interactive keyframe selection for motion capture. SIGGRAPH Asia, Tokyo, Japan. Technical Brief.
  • Teye, M. (SEED). Azizpour, H. (KTH). Smith, K. (KTH). (2018, July 12). Bayesian uncertainty estimation for batch normalized deep networks. International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria. Paper.



  • Barré-Brisebois, Colin. (2017, July 30 – August 3). A certain slant of light: past, present and future challenges of global illumination in games. SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, USA. Slides.
  • De Mesentier Silva, F. (Electronic Arts & New York University), Borovikov, I., Kolen, J., Aghdaie, N., Zaman, K. (Electronic Arts). (2018 November 13-17). Exploring gameplay with AI agents. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, Edmonton, Canada. Paper.
  • Lauritzen, A. (2017, July 30 – August 3). Future directions for compute-for-graphics. SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, USA. Slides.
  • Nordin, M. (2017, September 3–5). Deep learning and games, STHLM Tech Fest, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Nordin, M. (2017, November 3–5). Deep learning for game development. AI Frontiers Conference, Santa Clara, USA.
  • Nordin, M. (2017). Deep learning for interactive entertainment. Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Nordin, M. (2017, October 17–18). Deep learning will change game development. Game AI North, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Nordin, M. (2017, August 6–11). Machine learning for game development. International Conference on Machine Learning, Sydney, Australia.
  • Wihlidal, G. (2017, February 27 – March 3). 4K checkerboard in Battlefield 1 and Mass Effect Andromeda. Game Developers Conference, San Franciso, USA. Slides.

Papers & Articles

  • Balduzzi, D. (Victoria University of Wellington), Frean, M. (Victoria University of Wellington), Leary, L. (Victoria University of Wellington), Lewis, JP (SEED), Wan-Duo Ma, K., & McWilliams, B. (Disney Research). The shattered gradients problem: If resnets are the answer, then what is the question? International Conference on Machine Learning, Sydney, Australia. Best Paper Award. Paper.
  • Blanco i Ribera, R. (KAIST), Zell, E. (Bielfeld University), Lewis, J.P. (SEED), Noh, J. (KAIST), & Botsch, M. (Bielefeld University). (2017, July 30 – August 3). Facial retargeting with automatic range of motion alignment. SIGGRAPH, Los Angeles, USA. paper.
  • Dean, C. (Victoria University of Wellington) and LEWIS, J.P. (SEED). (2017, December 4–6). Non-local pose means for denoising motion capture data. International Conference on Image and Vision Computing, Christchurch, New Zealand. Paper.